Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Holy Crap, an entry!

Well, about a week ago I got my latest rejection from the bank for a loan. I'm going to have to wait until May 14 at the earliest to try again. Until then, I'm going to do everything to the place I can that requires only a small amount of capital: I'm going to jack the floor up. Shims and another jack shouldn't amount to more than $100. I intend to start this weekend if possible...it's going to be sunny and in the mid 40s.

PS: The roof work we did back in December didn't do the job. The *other* spots we just sealed (or just needed some tar on the joints) are sealed up tight. The roof we "replaced" (read: built one on top of it due to limited funds) didn't do such a good job. It turned the somewhat slow leak into a waterfall. So we're going to have to extend the "replaced" roof back to the existing roof of the main building. That should cost another $400 or so. Not too terribly bad, but I would've liked to use that money for the bathroom.


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