Thursday, April 13, 2006

Ev'rybody was kung fu wreckin'

Remember the "extension" on the west side of the building?

Well, now it's more like this:

I demolished most of the walls on this extension Tuesday afternoon, using an 8-lb mallet, a claw hammer, and my foot. After about 3 or so pieces of chip board (used as walls??!?!) removed with the mallet, and me getting sick and tired of the slow going, I gave one wall an almighty kick.

It came crashing down. I was quite pleased with myself. So my foot became a useful tool in the demolition project.

The chip board is pretty much useless. The weather took its toll on the wood...if it wasn't rotting, it was peeling apart. The 2x4s are still in good condition. The next step is to take a saws-all to the roof and separate the roof from the main part of the building. After that, I'll have to seal up the holes and set it up to raise the ceiling in the "pump room." I'll have to get and post a picture of what I'm talking about.


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