Saturday, May 13, 2006

2 posts done!

The second post was concreted in on Wednesday and backfilled today (Saturday). I decided to go look at the southeast corner and see what it would take to jack that up.

There's no decent floor beam that I can use for jacking. All the floor joists are 2x6s...nothing more. I can still do it, but these joists need to be 4x6, ideally. I can probably just detach the "floor" and raise it up, instead of jacking the entire wing. The floor isn't well connected to the walls...and the walls are what's holding up the roof. Difficult to describe. You'd have to see it. I have to remember to take a picture of it. But, the porch (southeast corner, by the way) is now open to the air. This should be pretty easy.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Project Update--May 1, 2006

After getting the very first post in and concreted (so it will *hopefully* not shift when the ground freezes this winter), I moved on to work on the posts on the southeast corner of the building. Sunday, my uncle (who is visiting for a few more days) helped me rip up some of the floor inside so I could get to a few trouble spots (where the floor heaved up). I finished that part Monday (yesterday, May 1) and proceeded to jack up the entire southeast wall (minus the very southeast corner). I was able to get one spot almost perfectly in place, but closer to the southeast corner, I still need to go up about 3 1/2 inches. The ground is extremely would explain why this part of the building is so off-kilter.

I probably won't get a chance to continue until next week sometime, as my kid's mother is coming to visit this weekend, and/or it's supposed to rain.